Kuru CH

Recommended for the last day in Okinawa! The best rice restaurant in the south "Itoman Fishermen's Restaurant"|
Itoman-Gyomin-shokudo" is located in Itoman City, southern Okinawa.
All of their dishes, made with plenty of Okinawan ingredients, are exquisite!
I went to this restaurant, which is highly rated in the food log (a famous gourmet introduction site in Japan), and I hope it will be helpful for your trip!
It is close to the airport, so I recommend it for your last day.

Do you know "『糸満漁民食堂』 | Itoman Gyomin Restaurant" located in Itoman City, southern Okinawa?

It is so popular that people say, "When it comes to rice in Itoman, this is the place to go! I was curious to know what makes it so delicious, so I went there!
I was curious to find out what makes it so delicious!

First, the exterior.

The masonry walls are stylish in a way you would never guess from the name of the diner 🌿.

The menu features local fish and classic Okinawan dishes unique to Okinawa!

Here was one of the best of them!

grilled imaiyu with butter

What is imaiyu? But when I tried it, I found out that it is a white fish that looks similar to sea bream
There are also other local fish specials for each day, but you couldn't order them even if you entered the restaurant at the same time it opened
(If you want to try it, I recommend ordering it the moment you are seated without worrying!)

There were three sauces to choose from, and I opted for the green Arthur Butter!
(I couldn't imagine what the other two tasted like, so I'll have to try them next time!)

The flavors are just ✨ fantastic!
The garlic butter sauce paired perfectly with the light fish!
It was seasoned to go best with rice!

And it was about 1700 yen with 2 appetizers and dessert.
I'm sure I'll be back next time 🥢.
I hope this helps you on your trip to Okinawa!

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